Kalnciema Quarter food market in Āgenskalna market

We invite you to safely purchase local goods in the fresh air at Āgenskalna market and agenskalnatirgus.lv! Food market temporarily is taking place in a new format - on weekends you will meet favorite Kalnciema Quarter's farmers in Āgenskalna market. The food market is open Tuesday-Sunday from 9 AM to 5 PM, but we provide market orders 4 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday) via agenskalnatirgus.lv.

Especially on the weekends, you will find oranges from Sicily, natural juices and extracts, hemp chocolate, CBD oils, sparkling birch juice, olive oil from Crete, salty gingerbread dough, ginger drinks, and organic honey, goat and sheep cheeses, oven-baked bread, natural teas, African sams, Italian cuisine, pine cone syrups and more!

The use of masks is mandatory in the market - for both participants and visitors.