Exhibition "Epilepsy: courage to speak!"


From August 9 to 23, Bernadeta Ripa's exhibition "Epilepsy: the courage to speak!" can be seen in the Kalnciema Quarter gallery.

Bernadeta invites us to an exhibition about the neurological disease, epilepsy, to deeper understand daily life with the illness and its effect on it, and also how we speak about the hurt, that comes with the illness. Exhibitions purpose is to inspire every visitor to leave with a bit more courage than before, to talk about the hardships of our lives, and be aware that we can share with sufferings, with the ones we deal with in life and we don’t have to be alone during this time.
At the exhibition, you will have the possibility to get to know her personal story, the artist's main goal is to discover a space where in society, we can share our sufferings, about which we don’t talk publicly. Cause, as the artist, herself says: “ If I will not talk about it, who will?

Kalnciema Quarter gallery is open on weekdays from 10.00 to 18.00 and on Saturdays from 10.00 to 16.00, the gallery is closed on Sundays. Entrance to the exhibition is free.