Letter Market August 26


In order to prepare for school time, the Letter Market will be held at Kalnciema Quarter on the 26th of August from 10 AM to 4 PM. There will be everything you need to prepare not only for school, but also to have an interesting book, planner or to find original gifts for school. Parallel to the market, two children's books will have their opening ceremonies and children are invited to take part in creative workshops.

In order to stimulate the desire to learn and work hard on different projects, both children and adults need useful planning tools - a board that hangs on the wall and records the most important weekly jobs; a planner that brings together all appointments and homework; a favorite pen for writing down important information. It will be also possible to find various design items, clothing and books. Farmers will delight with market delicacies and help prepare for the feast of September 1.


11.00 - 12.00 - Presentation of the children's poem collection "Kad neviena nav mājās..." with author Guntars Račs.

12.00 - 13.00 - Workshop with artist Ilze Dambe, where kids will revive objects and construct a playground.

13.00 - 14.00 - Presentation of the book "Sveiks, Vali!" with author Lauris Gundars and book's editor Inese Zandere.

From 11 AM to 15 PM, children's workshop with GIGI Bloks in the gallery, where children will construct a playhouse, castle, fortress, hut, giraffe, moose and even alphabet letters from large play blocks.

Free of charge!